On monday Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina has sent congratulatory message, fruits, clothes and 3 tola gold chain to three newborns named them Shopno, Padma and Setu respectively as per the dream name of Padma Bridge at the Health Resort Hospital in Chashara Balur Math area of Narayanganj.
Congratulatory message and gift items on behalf of the Prime Minister were handed over by Shamim Mushfiqur, Protocol Officer of the Prime Minister’s Office. At that time Shamim Mushfiqur was accompanied by Bandar Upazila Nirbahi Officer Kudrat A Khoda and other officials of the administration.
Shafiqul Islam Apu and Annie gave birth to three newborns at the same time on June 18, 2022 in their family. One of them is a boy and the other two are girls. Since the world biggest Padma Bridge will be inaugurated this month in Bangladesh, they named their children Sopno, Padma and Setu to keep it in tune with the historical setting.