DB police arrested youth for charges fraud

Publish: 4:57 PM, December 15, 2024 | Update: 4:57:PM, December 15, 2024

The district intelligence agency arrested Rizon (24) for extorting money by falsely promising to provide police clearance.


According to the incident , Maruf Rahman Abhi (28), the younger son of Md. Idris Ali, a resident of Lakshmipura village under Araihazar police station in Narayanganj district, needed a police clearance certificate and contacted Ashraful Islam Ananta (24), the son of a previously known Kachi Master in the same area.


At that time, Ashraful Islam Ananta fell into the trap of fraud by promising to provide police clearance through his acquaintance Md. Rizon (24).


On the morning of November 26, 2024, Ashraful Islam Ananta (24) took Md. Idris Ali to another fraudster Md. Rizon (24).

Rizon saw the photocopy of his son’s passport and the related documents and told Idris Ali that there was a problem with his son’s documents and that it would cost 15,000/= (fifteen thousand) taka to get police clearance.


The victim Md. Idris Ali then cash paid 4,000/- taka. Later, the fraudsters further received 1,000/- (one thousand) taka through bKash and later another 10,200/- taka.


They told Md.Idris Ali that they would get the police clearance through their people and deliver it to him. Even after many days, the victim did not receive his son’s police clearance, he realized the fraud and confirmed the fraud by informing the Superintendent of Police of Narayanganj district.

The District DB (Detective Branch) team went into the operation under the direction of Mr. Pratyush Kumar Majumdar, Superintendent of Police of Narayanganj district.


Under Additional Superintendent of Police of the District Intelligence Branch, Mr. Tarek Al Mehedi, along with Police Inspector Mr. Md. Wahiduzzaman, SI Md. Shahidar, SI Kazi Afzal Shaheen and other forces with the help of information technology, the fraudster Md. Rizon (24), father : Shamsuzzaman Bhuiyan, Vill : Maruadi, P.O. Fausa Bazar, Thana : Araihazar, District : Narayanganj was arrested from his own residence December 13, 2024 at 11.00 am.


The operation to arrest the other fraudster Ashraful Islam Ananta (28), father : Kachi Master, Vill : Lakshipura, Thana : Araihazar, District : Narayanganj is ongoing.


The victim Md. Idris Ali filed a case with the Araihazar Police Station as the plaintiff.