Do you know the toll of Padma bridge ?

Publish: 3:54 PM, May 17, 2022 | Update: 10:44:AM, January 24, 2023

By Tahamina Chowdhury Tania



Today, 17th May, 2022, a gazette was published for the Padma Multipurpose Bridge, signed by the Deputy Secretary of the Bridges Department of the Government of Bangladesh, determining the final toll according to the class of vehicles.


All types of vehicles have been arranged in 13 categories for determining toll in Bangladesh.

Please Read The Narayanganj Page News Article on Google News Channel


According to the Gazette a list of toll plazas given Down :

1/ Trailer 4 excel+per excel = 6,000+1,500

2/ Trailer 4 axle = 6,000

3 / Truck 3 axle = 5,500

4 / Medium truck 8 ton – 11 ton = 2,800

5 / Medium truck 5 tons + = 2,100

6 / Truck 5 tons = 1,600

7/ Big bus (3 axle) = 2,400

8 / Medium bus = 2,000

9 / Small bus = 1,400

10 / Micro bus = 1,300

11 / Pickup = 1,200

12 / Car or jeep = 650

13 / Motorcycle = 100



Mentioned that the toll will be effective from the day of opening of the bridge according to the type of vehicle.